Sunday, October 4, 2009

Constant new ideas

Hey everyone!
Hope everyone is doing great today! Ive been having multiple ideas as to which direction I want to take my YT page to. I am always going to do makeup tutorials but I wanted to add something that not many people have as well. Im so cluttered with information I could use and ideas that I have!

One idea was to include exercise routines also. But the only regret I have with this, would mean I would need to show my unfit self in front of the youtube community. Would I want to open the doors to cruel hater comments? Im already self conscience so i think as great as an idea as this is, i might just have to pass for the sake of my huimility...who knows though, we will see!

Another idea was to share some cooking tips that I have. Now, Im no emeril but i do have some yummy recipes and I think woman AND men alike would love to see this. Although with my luck- i would almost burn the house down in front of the camera! What a show that would be! hahaha.

So I guess this blog is to mainly express how I want to go in a few directions on my channel. Like i said, i wot stop doing tutorials, but i want to do anything that women would find interesting!!!

If you have any ideas-dont be shy- share them! If not thats ok too- Im full of them!
So just a heads up on some changing things! You guys have a restful,lazy rest of the sunday evening! talk to you soon!

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